Have you been craving deep rest and an intimate meeting with yourself?
Have you been longing for closeness with other women but are unsure how to initiate this meeting?
Is there a part of you that feels stuck and you wants to learn tools to heal and evolve?
Are you curious about exploring the mother wound and don’t know where to begin?
I'm so glad you're here!
You are about to enter into a container for transformation that has the ability to greatly enhance your relationship to abundance, sisterhood, your creativity, your vision, and life itself!
Using tools I’ve gathering from a decade of spiritual seeking and trauma healing including The Artist’s Way, Authentic Relating, Circling, Yogic Traditions from India, including mantra, meditation, and pranayama, as well as my studies in social justice, trauma, and the Red Road, (indigenous teachings from Costa Rica), I am sharing a space where you can come as you are - as your authentic self - and be met with acceptance, encouragement, and love.
“In the circle we are equal
There is noone in front of you
And there’s noone behind you.
Noone is above you:
Noone is below you.
The circle is sacred because it is designed to create Unity.”
- Lakota Wisdom