live virtual events on zoom

Please join Sadie in sacred circle. All events are donation-based, movement-based, and meant to foster self-reflection, insight, healing, and connection. (Note: Women’s Circles are for women-identifying women only, but please keep an eye out for all gender events!)



Sunday January 1, 2022

9am PT | 11am CT | 12pm ET

Bring your journal and ring in the new year with a 75-minute visionary movement practice to awaken our third eye and see beyond any current limitations. Space for a guided vision quest meditation and intention-setting writing practice.

All genders!


Saturday January 21st

4pm PT • 6pm CT • 7pm ET

Music is medicine, and singing sacred songs and prayers in community is alchemy for the soul. Join us for 90 minutes of singing meditation, honoring the New Snow Moon in Aquarius.

All Welcome!


Sunday january 22nd

4pm PT • 6pm CT • 7pm ET

This circle is a Sacred Pause. An opportunity to get clear - to listen to the still, small voice within, and to do so in community. Sangha.

Connect with like-hearted women in this 2-hour ceremony, which includes movement, chanting, journaling and sharing.